We love hearing from our users, and today’s story exemplifies just why NVDA exists. It demonstrates the amazing work that our users are empowered to do with NVDA. We thank Kartik for sharing his experience with us. If you’d like to share your story, please do get in touch. If you’re interested in the training material which helped Kartik so greatly, it is available from our Shop. But enough from me, let’s hear from Kartik in his own words:
Hi sir, This is Kartik from India. Today here I am sharing my experience with you. After I got the (NVDA training material) book, I was very happy. The book helped me a lot.It helped me a lot in my academic level as well. Before I don’t know anything about the PowerPoint so I used to sit back when the teacher assign any presentation to us. I just used to share my idea and other used to make presentation due to that the point shared by me used to be missed. So when I completed PowerPoint book I was confident enough to create presentation on my own. I also executed my knowledge to action. I took the responsibility to create the PowerPoint presentation on my own for upcoming presentation and when we show our presentation in front of the class, the teachers were very happy and praised me a lot. The Word book also helped me. I was able to do my assignment in Word. Similarly, I also helped to other people.
I got much knowledge in using Word and PowerPoint through the help of those books.
I used to think that everyone knew about NVDA but I was amaze to see that many people were not aware about NVDA. So I told them about NVDA and also trained them in using it. Now they are perfect in using NVDA and they are very happy. I am also planning to run a training through online as lock down is going on here. Lets see what I could do. Some of other students from other schools are also contacting me to create presentation so I am helping them as well. I also helped my senior who are searching for job by writing resume, application and bio data through the knowledge that I gained through Word book and the happiest thing is that some of them got selected and are doing the job. I am doing all these things for free because I believe that money should not be the barrier. I am very happy with the NVDA team for providing these books it not only helped me but also made me able to help others.
I taught about PowerPoint and Word to my friends in the free time.
Thank you sir, thank you NVDA team. Kartik
There is no words to thank for creating such a good free screen reader.
Thank you Kartik for sharing your experience with us, and for helping so many friends!
As mentioned at the start, the NV Access Shop has all the training material mentioned here and more. If you are new to NVDA or would like to improve your skills, we recommend starting with Basic Training for NVDA. This module covers everything from starting NVDA, through to advanced concepts. Using the web, the review cursor and object navigation are all covered in depth. Basic Training for NVDA is available in Electronic Text, Human-read MP3 Audio, and Hardcopy Braille.
We also have modules for Microsoft Office:
- Microsoft Word with NVDA
- Microsoft Excel with NVDA
- Microsoft Outlook with NVDA
- Microsoft PowerPoint with NVDA
You can also buy all five modules (Basic Training & the four office modules) bundled along with Telephone Support in the “NVDA Productivity Bundle“. The NVDA Productivity Bundle offers everything at a great discount over buying everything individually. Once you are confident with your NVDA skills from the Basic Training module, you may be interested in NVDA Expert Certification. Becoming an NVDA Certified Expert enables you to demonstrate your skills publicly. The exam itself is free to sit, so anyone can test themselves. You only need to pay if you wish to receive the certificate, and be listed publicly on the NVDA Certification Page.

Collage of the covers of the NV Access training material
Thank you again Kartik, and we wish you every success in the future!
And to everyone, we’d love to hear what great things you achieve with your NVDA skills, or what you’ve learnt from the material. Please Let us know, or engage in the NVDA Users email group.