Happy New Year everyone and a warm welcome to 2018!
Well, it’s been a month since I last wrote. In that time, the NV Access team have been very busy relaxing, spending time with loved ones and eating too much! Well, speaking for myself at least… We hope you have also enjoyed your time since our last post.

January 2018 calendar
So, there isn’t a lot of news this time around. There are a couple of things I wanted to mention briefly:
Firstly, if you’ve written to us over the Christmas / New Year period, thank you – we love hearing from our users! If we haven’t replied yet, it’s because we only started back at work this week. We will get back to you shortly.
Along the same lines, we’re only just starting to catch up on what’s been going on in the NVDA user’s e-mail list and GitHub. If you’ve been active in either of those forums lately, we haven’t forgotten you!
As we head into a new year, we’d love to hear those feature ideas you’ve had over the holiday period, or reports of bugs you’ve found. Do keep reporting issues on GitHub and discussing them in the user’s e-mail list!
Finally, while we’ve been on leave, others have been hard at work. There have been updates to many of your favourite add-ons. Companies like Microsoft have sent out updates to Windows and Office. Some of these updates were due to address various issues which have previously been reported. How are you finding them? Join the conversation in the e-mail list.
That’s about all for this week. Do join me again towards the end of the month as we start to – already – gear up for 2018.1!