Can you believe we’re already and only halfway through 2020? More importantly, we’re inching ever closer to NVDA 2020.2.
2020.2 Release Candidate
The big news is, NVDA 2020.2 is nearly here! The NVDA 2020.2 Release Candidate is now available. This is a final version for everyone to check to ensure there are no major issues we haven’t yet spotted. All going well, the final release will be in the next few weeks. We’d encourage everyone to download the NVDA 2020.2 Release Candidate and check out the new features! What new features? Well, since we want you to download the RC, I’m going to encourage you to do that, and read the “What’s new” from the help menu! Ok, there’s a link on the NVDA 2020.2 Release Candidate Announcement Page as well.

Modified NVDA Logo with “RC1” text
NVDA Satisfaction Survey
The NVDA Satisfaction Survey 2020 is about at an end. If you haven’t filled it in yet, please do take the opportunity before it closes. There are only three questions, and two of them are multiple-choice. Plus, you don’t need to register or log in anywhere, it couldn’t be easier!
Find all the details on the NVDA Satisfaction Survey 2020.
Microsoft PowerPoint with NVDA training module
The other big news this week is that we’ve released a new training module! Microsoft PowerPoint with NVDA is now available. This module covers all the features to make your presentations a hit. From adding content to a slide through to setting slide timings. Adding live captions and presenting online are all covered. It’s available for the same low price as our other electronic training modules from the NV Access shop. It’s also now included in the updated NVDA Productivity Bundle.

Cover page for Microsoft PowerPoint for NVDA by NV Access. Title in purple and white on turquoise. NV Access logo in purple.
Training module pricing
We have made a small increase to our prices, the first in the four years we’ve been selling training material in the This is in line with the increased cost of production that we have experienced over that time. The increase is $2 Australian for each of the electronic modules. The increase is $3 for the Basic Training for NVDA Downloadable Audio. We have kept the price of the Basic Training for NVDA Braille material steady at $65 AUD, including worldwide shipping.
For the electronic text, including the new Microsoft PowerPoint with NVDA module, $32 AUD converts to just over $22 USD. That is just under €20 or just under £18 according to Google this morning.
We have also made some changes to the NVDA Productivity Bundle. We have added the PowerPoint module to it, and decreased the number of support hours to 3. That has resulted in a decrease in cost, bringing the bundle down to just $199 Australian. So you now get the 5 training module eBooks plus 3 hours of telephone support at a discounted price of $199.
Finally on pricing for those who have previously purchased the productivity bundle. If you would like to add Microsoft PowerPoint with NVDA to your collection of modules, we would love to give you 50% off the price. It’s not automatic, so please do Contact Us to take advantage of that offer.
Thanks for believing in us!
We’d like to take the opportunity this week to thank Intopia, who continue to be a generous supporter of NV Access. They are a great believer in our mission to lower the economic and social barriers associated with accessing Information Technology for people who are Blind or Vision Impaired. Did you know you can find our story, our statement of purpose and our organisational structure on our website? All this and more is on the “About NV Access” page.
There’s even a description of the NV Access logo and the Sunburst design. From the About NV Access page:
The NV Access logo could broadly be described as “sun-shaped”, using the colours purple, turquoise and orange.
The NV Access logo is a hollow purple sun shape with 16 points. 8 points are sharp and triangular, coloured in purple. The purple points alternate between either orange or turquoise rounded points. Inside the circle of the sun is a purple diamond outline, and in the centre is a hollow turquoise ring.
To the right of the logo are the words “NV Access” above the tag-line “Empowering lives through non-visual access to technology”. The text “NV” is in orange and the rest of the text is in purple. There is a purple horizontal line in the centre, between the company name and tag-line.
The sun logo itself is about a third of the total width, with “NV Access” in large text and the tag-line smaller.
That’s the NV Access logo, but what is the Sunburst design? You’ll have to read the About NV Access page to find out!
Bonus points to those who find the description of the NVDA logo. Hint: It’s not on the “About NV Access” page, but not far away…
That’s all for this week. Do try the NVDA 2020.2 Release Candidate and let us know how you find it. If you haven’t completed the NVDA Satisfaction Survey 2020, please consider adding your voice. And while you wait for the final 2020.2 release, why not take the opportunity to build on your Microsoft PowerPoint with NVDA skills! Catch you next time.