We are continuing to move ever closer to NVDA 2022.4. Since last edition, we have a new beta AND we’ve announced the string freeze.
Video request
First up, a quick reminder of our Casting call for videos, from last In-Process. Basically, we are after relatively short videos of you using NVDA. Thanks to those who have shared videos so far!
To answer a couple of questions we’ve been asked:
- While we asked for videos particularly of you at work or study, if that’s not an option, that’s ok.
- Videos do not have to be in English. If you could provide a transcript or captions or something for non-English videos, that would be really helpful, but again, we’ll work with what we get sent.
- Please save videos to your favourite cloud-sharing platform and email us a link. Someone sent us a video on Facebook and I still haven’t managed to save that one.
NVDA 2022.3.2
We’ve released NVDA 2022.3.2. This is another patch release. We discovered that 2022.3.1 introduced bugs which prevented certain functionality on secure screens. It also caused NVDA to misbehave if started on the lock screen. We apologise for the inconvenience and we thank those who helped report and problem solve the issues! Please update to NVDA 2022.3.2.
Please note, as a patch release, the “What’s new” text has not been translated for this release. Users running NVDA in languages other than English, accessing the “What’s new” text from the Help menu will show the latest version as 2022.3. The correct current version can always be found in the “About NVDA” dialog, available from the Help menu.
NVDA 2022.4 Beta 3
Following on from the release of 2022.3.2, we’ve also released NVDA 2022.4 Beta 3. This beta incorporates the fixes from 2022.3.2.
We’ve also fixed a couple of minor issues and updated some more translations. If you are on the beta path, please update now.
Speaking of translations…
NVDA 2022.4 String Freeze
We have just announced the string freeze for NVDA 2022.4. This means that translators have until 23:59 UTC on 29th November to submit updates to their translations. There is a lot of work for the translators this time around, with the new Quick Start Guide. So, I’d like to reiterate even more strongly, our appreciation for all that you do!
We found that there was some confusion in the translation community around updating. So we have clarified our position. Once we are confident that the updates we are aiming for the next release are stable, we release the first beta. At that point, we don’t think there should be too many changes to the translation strings. So, we encourage translators to start updating their contributions at that point, please.
The announcement of the translation string freeze signifies that there will be no further changes to translation strings. It gives a two-week window to finalize translations before the first release candidate. If any changes are needed, then a new freeze will be announced. The translation string freeze wasn’t intended to be an initial cue to start. The initial cue to start should be the first beta.
The first beta of the first release of the year should be a similar indicator for add-on developers. As in NVDA 2022.1 Beta 1, or NVDA 2023.1 Beta 1. That is our cue to add-on developers, to update your add-ons for any breaking changes. Please start testing them at that point, if you haven’t already by then.
Helping people work
While we’re thanking people, a heartfelt thank you to Annie who donated this week. Annie said:
“I’m a Digital Accessibility Analyst and have been using NVDA for the past 3 years to test pages. I would like to give back to the software and people that has put so much work in an open source software that allows me to do my job to help make the web more accessible.”
Thank you Annie! Both for your donation, and for your work making the web a more accessible place!
Why is it called “Bang”?
Exclamation mark ! and question mark ? made out of puzzle pieces
One question we get asked from time to time is, can you change the way NVDA describes some punctuation. Common examples are “Bang” and “Tick”. Firstly, yes you can change how NVDA reads these! This is done in the “Punctuation / Symbol pronunciation” dialog. We have covered this previously in In-Process.
Having answered that part, why are these punctuation marks called what they are to begin with? For some symbols, there are regional differences in names. Depending on where you are, the “#” symbol can be known as the hash, pound or number symbol. In some cases the name is contextual. The “.” may be called the decimal point in a number, or the period or full stop at the end of a sentence, or simply “dot”.
So that brings us back to bang, or the exclamation mark. I went to investigate, and I found this informative article on The Atlantic.
“Bang” predates the modern computer, going back to at least 1950s typesetting manuals. Possibly even further back from comic books. There are even older terms for the symbol going back to the 15th Century. I do like “Admiration mark”, we should bring that back! And the Interrobang, why don’t we already use that?!? And don’t get me started on the Andorsand…
Now, does anyone have an explanation for why ‘ (which I would have called a single quote) is called “Tick”?
That’s all for this week. Do try NVDA 2022.3.2, or the new beta!