It’s a busy time here at NV Access, so let’s see what’s making news this week:
NVDA 2022.1
NVDA 2022.1 has been out for a few weeks now and has been really well received. We’ve previously talked about what UIA means. Last edition we also covered some of the other key features. This time then, I thought I’d dive into the what’s new document and find something a little more obscure to share. So here are a couple for you:
Speech Dictionary
We’ve previously talked about the Speech dictionary and how to add new definitions. This is handy if NVDA can’t pronounce your name correctly for instance. In NVDA 2022.1, we’ve added the ability to now clear the whole custom dictionary. This is done via a “Remove all” button.
Default Speech Dictionary window with “Remove All” button highlighted
CLDR Update
We’ve also updated CLDR to version 40.0. But what is CLDR? It is the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository. It includes locale information, as well as information about emojis and other characters. This includes how to format dates and currency in different countries. CLDR tells us about emojis and other characters, which enable NVDA to pronounce them. See the Official CLDR Site for more.
And if you’re interested in the list of Emojis, and how they’re described, all in one place, you can check out the Unicode Emoji list
File Explorer Status Bar
And here’s a bug fix which has been a niggling one for awhile. In Windows 8 and later, the File Explorer status bar can now be retrieved using the standard gesture NVDA+end (desktop) / NVDA+shift+end (laptop). This hasn’t worked for some time, but in NVDA 2022.1, it works again.
But what is the status bar? In File Explorer, it gives information about the current file (or the total number of selected files) such as size, or number of files selected. It also displays how many items are in the current folder overall.

File Explorer Status Bar with one file selected
RSB Tech fest
NV Access are travelling again! We’re heading to Adelaide (Australia) for “Tech Fest”, an event run by the Royal Society for the blind. The event runs on Thursday 23rd June and Friday 24th June. We will have an exhibit table, and we’re also presenting a session at 1pm on Friday. Registration of the event as a whole and to attend individual sessions is free, but are required. Please Register for RSB Tech Fest via EventBrite.
NVDA 2022.2 Beta 1
No sooner is that delicious “New program smell” starting to fade from 2022.1 than we have a beta of NVDA 2022.2 available! This is aimed at anyone who is interested in trying out what the next version of NVDA has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome you to download the beta and provide feedback. More information and download are available at the NVDA 2022.2 beta 1 release announcement.
Focal point
In the lead up to RSB Tech Fest, Quentin spoke with Peter Greco for Vision Australia Radio’s Focal Point show. The interview covers some of the latest updates to NVDA, and starts about 30 minutes in to the show. The interview is around half an hour into the show, but Peter is a great interviewer, and the whole show is a good listen. You can listen to the June 8 edition of Focal Point on Vision Australia Radio.
NV Access have been on LinkedIn for many years. We haven’t posted much, but that is changing! If you, or your business are on that platform, please do follow NV Access on LinkedIn for all the latest news on that platform.
It’s June, which in Australia at least, means End of Financial Year time. This often means end of financial year sales. It is also a very popular time to make donations. In Australia, donations over $2 are tax deductable. So, we’re calling this June #NVeofy. We encourage those who can afford to make a donation, to please consider contributing.
We are very grateful for all donations, large or small. Each one helps us continue to update and provide NVDA for free to anyone around the world.
You can donate to NVDA Access from our Donation page.
NVDA Satisfaction Survey 2022
The NVDA Satisfaction Survey 2022 is now on. It’s only a very short, three question survey, so if you haven’t participated yet, please do feel encouraged to do so. Complete the NVDA Satisfaction Survey 2022 here.
That’s all for this week! We’ll be back soon with more news and information.