Not our longest In-Process this week, but several important pieces to share with you.
Firstly, NVDACon is coming up in less than 24 hours! For all the important info, I’m going to borrow this Post from Austin Pinto:
“Dear NVDA community,
after more than 8 months in which we spent exciting time together to organize the NVDACon 2019, we are almost there! The conference will start on November 15th, 2019 at 21:00 UTC with the opening forum as everyone should already know.
This year’s conference is held for the first time in November. Join us on a very enlightening journey during which we will find out that NVDA is everywhere!
This year we will be proud to have Google as well as Firefox on our conference. For more details, check the schedule in your time zone at to know how you can attend this conference visit.
In any case, there are plenty of reasons why this NVDACon will be unique!
We will be glad to see you at NVDACon 2019.
Best regards
Austin Pinto.”
One part of NVDACon will be of particular interest to our Spanish community. For the first time, the NVDACon Keynote will be translated into Spanish. The team from are undertaking the translation for the community. We look forward to this event being available to more people in their native language. For more information on the Spanish translation of the NVDACon keynote, please visit
A11y Camp
This week, Mick, James and Quentin also attended an in-person conference. The trio travelled to Sydney for A11y Camp to run a workshop on NVDA. The session was a full house. There was engaging discussion and questions right up until the last minute. Ok by last minute, I mean about 20 minutes after it was due to end!
#A11yCamp is Australia’s premier conference on accessibility and inclusion. It’s a fantastic chance for your organisation to upskill their workforce. The sessions are full of simple tips which can make a huge difference. Visit for more information on A11y Camp.

I was too busy talking to take any photos of our workshop (seriously, I didn’t shut up!), but here’s one I took of the Darling Harbour Ferris Wheel nearby!
Single letter navigation
One thing we covered in our A11y Camp presentation was how to get around a web page with NVDA. We all know it’s more than just TAB or the arrow keys. Single Letter Navigation keys are a key part of navigating the web. These include keys like D to jump to the next landmark, H for heading, or 2 to jump specifically to a heading level 2. You can also press SHIFT+letter to jump back to the previous instance of that element. But do you know just how many Single Letter Navigation keys there are?
Well, here’s a list (taken from the NVDA User Guide:
- h: heading
- l: list
- i: list item
- t: table
- k: link
- n: non-linked text
- f: form field
- u: unvisited link
- v: visited link
- e: edit field
- b: button
- x: checkbox
- c: combo box
- r: radio button
- q: block quote
- s: separator
- m: frame
- g: graphic
- d: landmark
- w: spelling error
- o: embedded object (audio and video player, application, dialog, etc.)
- 1 to 6: headings at levels 1 to 6 respectively
- a: annotation (comment, editor revision, etc.)
- Shift+comma: start of container
- Comma: move past end of container
Find one in that list you’ve never used (or haven’t used in a long time), and see if you can find a use for it this weekend!
If you’d like to learn even more about Navigation, or just about anything to do with NVDA, you might consider purchasing “Basic Training for NVDA” (That link is to the Electronic Text version, but don’t forget, it’s also available in Human-read, Daisy MP3 audio and Hardcopy Braille, or in a bundle with our other training material and telephone support).
That’s all for this week. Enjoy #NVDACon2019 (that’s the official hashtag btw). Be sure to follow the #NVDACon2019 hashtag on Twitter for updates and commentary, and of course, Join in NVDACon 2019 on Team Talk!