In-Process 14th September 2017
We start this edition of In-Process with news of an NVDA retirement. One which will be sadly missed by some, however, the time has come to move forward. That’s right, the just released NVDA 2017.3 is the last version which will work on Windows XP and Windows Vista. Users on Windows 7, please make sure you have Windows 7, Service Pack 1 and you will be fine. While Microsoft stopped supporting XP over two years ago, we made the decision that we would continue to support it for as long as it was practical and didn’t hold back fixes or features to NVDA. That time has now come. If you are on Windows XP and try to update to snapshot builds from now, or to NVDA 2017.4 or later when they arrive, you will be prompted to roll back to 2017.3, which will remain on our server for those users.
Next, and mostly for our visual followers, our new logo is making its way onto our social media platforms. Yes, our rebranding project is continuing apace! Ok, not actually “apace”, but continuing nonetheless. So, what exactly IS our new logo? I’m glad you asked! The new NV Access logo is a hollow purple sun shape with 16 points. 8 points are sharp and triangular, coloured in purple. The purple points alternate between either orange or turquoise rounded points. Inside the circle of the sun is a hollow purple diamond, and in the centre, is a hollow turquoise ring. The purple and orange keep the colours from our original logo, though slightly different shades.
The full logo (on the website) contains the sun logo with text to the right. “NV Access” is in larger text above a horizontal line. Below the line is the tagline “Empowering lives through non-visual access to technology”. All the text is in purple, except for the “NV” in “NV Access” which is orange.

New NV Access Logo
So, what social media can you find our lovely new logo on? Another great question!
You can “Follow” us on Twitter.
You can “Like” us on Facebook.
You can “Subscribe” to our YouTube channel.
And you can “Follow” us on LinkedIn.
The other big change this time around is that, as announced last month, James Teh has now officially finished as an employee of NV Access. James is moving to Mozilla and will undoubtedly be part of big things there. This is of course, not the end of Jamie’s involvement with NV Access. He is staying on the board of directors, helping to steer the organisation. He will also no doubt still contribute patches himself, and through his work with Mozilla. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Jamie for all he has done and still does, both of NV Access and for changing lives around the world.