Latest News

An Address to the National Federation of the Blind Convention 2014

The following speech was given by Michael Curran on the 6th of July 2014, to attendees at the National Federation of the Blind’s 2014 convention in Orlando Florida. NV Access wishes to thank the NFB for providing funding for Michael’s attendance. The NVDA screen reading software is changing the lives of blind and vision impaired… Read More

NVDA 2014.2 Released

NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2014.2 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, has now been released. NVDA is used by 10s of thousands of blind and vision impaired people spanning more than 120 countries, enabling them to socialise, get an education and participate in the workforce regardless of their… Read More

NV Access Releases version 2014.1 of Free NVDA Screen Reader

Version 2014.1 of the free NVDA screen reading software developed by NV Access has today been released. This release contains several new features and plenty of bug fixes, covering Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint, Java, web support and much more. With this release, NV Access continues to ensure that blind and vision impaired people, regardless of… Read More

Podcast Episode 8

Hear about what’s new in NVDA 2014.1 in podcast episode 8.

NVDA 2013.3 now Available

NV Access is happy to announce the availability of NVDA 2013.3, the latest release of its award winning screen reading software. NVDA is used by 10s of thousands of blind and vision impaired people spanning more than 120 countries, enabling them to socialise, get an education and participate in the workforce, all things that may… Read More

Podcast Episode 7

NVDA 2013.3 details and OpenOffice accessibility news in podcast episode 7.

NV Access speak at TEDx Brisbane

Every person has a responsibility to contribute what they can to society. But in order to do that, people need to be given the necessary tools. This was one of the messages shared by NV Access co-founders Michael Curran and James Teh when they recently spoke at TEDx Brisbane 2013. TEDx are independently organised events… Read More

NVDA 2013.2 now Available

NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2013.2 of NVDA is now available for download. This release contains 15 new features and over 30 bug fixes. NVDA is used by 10s of thousands of blind and vision impaired people spanning more than 120 countries, enabling them to socialise, get an education and participate in… Read More

Visit NV Access at Vision Australia’s Texpo 2013 in Brisbane

If you’re in Brisbane on Friday 30 or 31st August, why not come along to Vision Australia’s Texpo 2013 and say hi. NVDA developers, Michael Curran and James Teh, will be available to take you through the latest features of NVDA, plus a sneak preview of what might be coming up. Texpo is an annual… Read More

Podcast Episode 6

Learn about NVDA 2013.2 and our new release process in podcast episode 6.