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NVDA Development Site Moved to GitHub

After many years of using Trac to run our own development and community website, we are moving to GitHub. Why the Switch? When we first began using Trac, NVDA was a much smaller project. In addition, there was no hosted service that suited all our needs. In the last few years, this is no longer… Read More

NVDA 2015.3 Released

NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2015.3 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, has now been released. Highlights of this release include initial support for Windows 10; the ability to disable single letter navigation in browse mode (useful for some web apps); improvements in Internet Explorer; and fixes for garbled… Read More

Podcast Episode 9

Hear about NVDA and Windows 10, recent and upcoming changes in NVDA and more in podcast episode 9.

NVDA 2015.2 Now Available

NV Access is happy to announce the availability of NVDA 2015.2, the latest release of its award winning screen reading software. Highlights of this release include the ability to read charts in Microsoft Excel and support for reading and interactive navigation of mathematical content. With this release, NV Access continues to ensure that blind and… Read More

NV Access Releases 2015.1 of Free NVDA Screen Reader

Version 2015.1 of the free NVDA screen Reader from NV Access is now available for download. Highlights of this release include browse mode for documents in Microsoft Word and Outlook; major enhancements to support for Skype for Desktop; and significant fixes for Microsoft Internet Explorer. This award-winning software has been changing the lives of thousands… Read More

Second level NVDA support available for implementors and support partners

Due to high demand we are pleased to announce that second level technical NVDA and general Assistive Technology support can now be purchased at an affordable cost. This support is aimed at technical implementers, trainers, and Assistive Technology consultants who require help with NVDA or other Assistive Technology issues. Please contact us for details.

Announcing NVDA 2014.4 Release

NV Access is happy to announce the availability of NVDA 2014.4, the latest release of its award winning screen reading software. With this release, NV Access continues to ensure that blind and vision impaired people, regardless of their location, language or economic situation, can gain access to computers, thus widening the possibilities for education, employment… Read More

User level Support for NVDA Available from eyRead World-Wide

NV Access is pleased to announce its relationship with eyRead, a global online training and support service for NVDA. eyRead offers remote training and support to users world-wide at very affordable rates. Working remotely via Skype and Teamviewer, eyRead support staff can assist you with the download, installation and configuration of NVDA, as well as… Read More

NVDA 2014.3 now Available

NV Access is happy to announce the availability of NVDA 2014.3, the latest release of its award winning screen reading software. Among many other enhancements and bug fixes, this release includes significant improvements to NVDA’s support for Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel. With this release, NV Access continues to ensure that blind and vision impaired… Read More

A more certain future for free screen reader NVDA

The free screen reader NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access), which provides blind people around the world with access to computers, looks like it will be around for a long time thanks to a recent grant from the Nippon Foundation. NVDA reads what is on a computer screen in a computerised voice to a blind or vision… Read More