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Microsoft Lends a Hand to NV Access

For a screen reader such as NVDA to be useful, it must be able to provide access to the latest Operating Systems and third party applications. Microsoft has recently granted NV Access a year of free access to much of its latest and legacy software in order to ensure NVDA’s support for many of these… Read More

NV Access recognised for Chinese character support

On Friday Michael Curran received an Outstanding Achievement award from the Taiwan Digital Talking Books Association, in recognition of his work regarding Chinese character input support in the NVDA screen reader. To input languages such as Chinese in Windows, the user types certain key sequences, but then must usually choose the correct Chinese character from… Read More

PDF Association Continues Funding of NVDA PDF/UA Support

Earlier this year, the PDF Association launched the “NVDA goes PDF/UA” project to fund support for PDF/UA in NVDA, enabling superior access to accessible PDF documents. The first round of funding in June resulted in significant enhancements to PDF access in NVDA 2012.3, particularly with regard to tables. We are pleased to announce that the… Read More

NVDA 2012.3 Released

NV Access announces the release of NVDA 2012.3.

Podcast episode 4

What’s in NVDA 2012.3? Find out in podcast episode 4.

Come and See NVDA at Vision Australia’s Texpo 2012

NV Access will be demonstrating the NVDA screen reader at Texpo 2012, an annual public event run by Vision Australia to showcase current technologies and services available for those who are blind and vision impaired in Australia. On August 24th and 25th in Melbourne, August 31st and September 1st in Sydney, and September 7th and… Read More

High-Quality Voices Available for NVDA

NV Access is very happy to announce the availability of the Nuance Vocalizer range of voices for NVDA. These voices, which have proven to be popular on iPhones and the Mac, can now all be purchased for one affordable price for use with NVDA. Whether you use NVDA installed on one computer, or carry it… Read More

NVDA 2012.2 Released

NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2012.2 of NVDA, the free, open source screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available. Highlights of this release include an in-built installer and portable creation feature, automatic updates, easy management of new NVDA add-ons, announcement of graphics in Microsoft Word, support for Windows 8 Metro style… Read More

Podcast episode 3

NVDA 2012.2 and more in Podcast episode 3.

Adobe Continues to Support NVDA in 2012

Adobe is continuing its funding of NVDA screen reader development in 2012. Priorities include ongoing improvements to NVDA’s support for PDF documents (including work towards PDF/UA standard compliance), AIR applications, Adobe Digital Editions and general HTML and ARIA improvements. Please see Adobe’s blog post for further details. As always, we are extremely grateful to Adobe… Read More