NVDA 2017.3rc1 has just been released for testing. This is a release candidate, which means that unless any critical issues are found, this will be identical to the final 2017.3 release. Highlights of this release include input of contracted braille, support for new Windows OneCore voices available on Windows 10, in-built support for Windows 10… Read More
Latest News
NVDA 2017.3rc1 Released
In-Process 16th August 2017
As we move ever closer to NVDA 2017.3, this week’s In-Process, as always, is packed full of practical information and tips. To start, some organisational news. Last week, Jamie Teh announced that the time has come for him to move on from the NV Access team. Jamie has been a key part of the NV… Read More
Jamie: Moving On from NV Access
By James Teh Today I am making a personal announcement that is bitter sweet. After a great deal of difficult deliberation, I’ve decided to move on from NV Access. NV Access, NVDA and our amazing community have been such a massive part of my life over the last 10 years – so much more than… Read More
In-Process 2nd August 2017
New icon, no new sounds and inbuilt OCR for Windows 10 users! All this and more in the August 2 edition of In-Process!
In-Process 13th July 2017
ARIA-Placeholder, new OCR functionality, contracted Braille input and updated eSpeak NG. All this and more in this week’s In-Process!
In-Process 26th June 2017
Welcome to another issue of In-Process, it’s great to have you with us once again. Those in a rush will be pleased to hear it’s not a long In-Process this week. I choose to attribute that to our winter solstice being last Wednesday. We’ll have more and more time to do newsworthy things as the… Read More
In-Process 13th June 2017
In-Process 13 June 2017: Firstly, the big news: NVDA 2017.2 is now available. Anyone with automatic updates enabled should have received a prompt to update. You can manually update NVDA by pressing NVDA+n to open the NVDA menu, pressing H for help then C to check for update. You can also download NVDA 2017.2 from… Read More
Microsoft Edge 2 years in: Where are we at for accessibility?
NV Access is committed to ensuring that blind or vision impaired people are able to independently and efficiently access the Windows Operating System and its applications, no matter their location, language or economic status. This means much of our work involves keeping up with changes in the Windows Operating System, and ensuring that NVDA can… Read More
Announcing NVDA 2017.2 Release
Version 2017.2 of the free NVDA screen Reader from NV Access is now available for download. Highlights of this release include full support for audio ducking in the Windows 10 Creators Update; fixes for several selection issues in browse mode, including problems with select all; significant improvements in Microsoft Edge support; and improvements on the… Read More
In-Process 26th May 2017
NVDACon, NVDA 2017.2 RC1, a new training module about to drop and the number 42? Grab your towel, it’s time for another edition of In-Process!