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Announcing the Release of NvDA 2018.3.2

NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2018.3 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, has now been released. Updates: Minor release (2018.3.2) has been made available which works around a crash seen in Google Chrome when navigating tweets on Minor release (2018.3.1) has been made available which addresses a crash… Read More

NVDA 2018.3rc3 Released

NV Access has just released NVDA 2018.3rc3. This is a Release Candidate, meaning that unless any critical bugs are found, this will be identical to the final 2018.3 release. Changes from rc1: Fixed bug stopping the NVDA desktop shortcut from being created on German systems. NVDA no longer completely fails to interact with iTunes 12.9.… Read More

In-Process 11th September 2018

The big news this week, hot off the press, is that we released NVDA 2018.3rc1 yesterday! NVDA 2018.3rc1 Highlights of this release include automatic detection of many Braille displays, support for new Windows 10 features including the Windows 10 Emoji input panel, and many other bug fixes. Since I tend to get asked “XYZ doesn’t… Read More

NVDA 2018.3rc1 Released

NV Access has just released NVDA 2018.3rc1. This is a Release Candidate, meaning that unless any critical bugs are found, this will be identical to the final 2018.3 release. Highlights of this release include automatic detection of many Braille displays, support for new Windows 10 features including the Windows 10 Imoji input panel, and many… Read More

In-Process 29th August 2018

It’s been a few weeks since the last edition, but Australia has a new Prime Minister, so it is time for another In-Process. Rest assured, we’ve all been busy doing more work than our politicians! One of the biggest things we’re working on, of course, is the next version of NVDA. That’s right, NVDA 2018.3… Read More

NVDA 2018.3beta3 Released

Recently we made available the latest beta of NVDA 2018.3. For anyone who is interested in testing out what NVDA 2018.3 has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome you to download 2018.3beta3, test it out and provide feedback. Highlights of this release include automatic detection of many Braille displays, support for new… Read More

In-Process 24th July 2018

Welcome to In-Process for the 24th of July, exactly 216 years since the birth of Alexandre Dumas, author of The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo! ICCHP Mick and Reef journeyed to Austria last week. They attended the 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Sponsored by the University of… Read More

In-Process 4th July 2018

Welcome to July! That’s right, the year is half over already. Happy Independence Day to our friends in the USA, and Happy Canada day to all our Canadian friends for last Sunday. Have fun, everybody! NVDA 2018.2.1 As the previous In-Process hit the press, NVDA 2018.2 dropped. Soon after, a gremlin was found in the… Read More

NVDA 2018.2.1 Available for Download

NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2018.2 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, has now been released. Update: a minor 2018.2.1 release has since been made which just updates translations for some languages. Highlights of this release include Support for tables in Kindle for PC, support for HumanWare BrailleNote Touch… Read More

In-Process 13th June 2018

UPDATE: NVDA 2018.2 is now available! Keep reading! Well, what a busy few weeks we’ve had recently! The highlight for me was the annual NVDACon. I find NVDACon such a special event. Because it is set up and run entirely by users, it highlights what a wonderful community you all are! If you missed NVDACon,… Read More