Justin MacLeod is an NVDA user, a sound designer and an NVDACon presenter. He spoke with Quentin about these things and more. The interview is available as a video, with the transcript of the conversation below that. Justin MacLeod is a sound designer who relies on NVDA to access his computer. Before he tells us… Read More
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The Art of Sound Design
In-Process 20th November 2020
Now that NVDA 2020.3 has been out for a while and well received, we are working towards the next release on NVDA. In fact, work on that started well before NVDA 2020.3 was even released. We are not quite up to a beta version yet this week. So, it’s an excellent opportunity for another longer… Read More
In-Process 6th November 2020
Welcome to November! We’ve continued to get great feedback on NVDA 2020.3. Users appreciate the stability and performance improvements, and new and updated features. First off this time though, let’s go to Russia: NVDA Certification in Russia Anatoliy Popko is a well-known Russian accessibility expert. Recently, Quentin had the opportunity to Chat with Anatoliy and… Read More
NVDA Certification in Russia
Anatoliy Popko is a well-known Russian accessibility expert. Recently, Quentin had the opportunity to chat with him and find out about some of the exciting projects he is involved with. The interview is available as a video, with the transcript of the conversation below that. Quentin: Anatoliy Popko, tell me a little bit about yourself… Read More
In-process 23rd October 2020
The big news this time around is the release of NVDA 2020.3. The new version came out last week, so by now many users with NVDA set to “Check for updates” will have already updated. So, let’s dive right into that first up: NVDA 2020.3 NVDA 2020.3 includes several large improvements to stability and performance.… Read More
NVDA 2020.3 Released
NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2020.3 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. NVDA 2020.3 includes several large improvements to stability and performance, particularly in Microsoft Office applications. There are new settings to toggle touchscreen support… Read More
In-Process 9th October 2020
We’re very close to a new NVDA version! The first release candidate is out, so let’s start with that: NVDA 2020.3 Release Candidate Following on from the beta releases over the past few weeks, NVDA 2020.3 RC1 has been released. This is a release candidate, and unless any critical issues are found, this will be… Read More
NVDA 2020.3rc1 available for testing
The Release Candidate (RC) of NVDA 2020.3 is now available for download and testing. We encourage all users to download this RC and provide feedback. Unless any critical bugs are found, this will be identical to the final 2020.3 release. NVDA 2020.3 includes several large improvements to stability and performance, particularly in Microsoft Office applications.… Read More
NVDA 2020.3beta4 Available for Testing
Beta4 of NVDA 2020.3 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what the next version of NVDA has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome you to download the beta and provide feedback. Changes since Beta3: “Automatic focus mode for caret movement” setting is now… Read More
NVDA 2020.3beta3 Available for Testing
Beta3 of NVDA 2020.3 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what the next version of NVDA has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome you to download the beta and provide feedback. Changes since Beta2: Major performance improvements in Visual Studio Code. Changes since… Read More