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Testimonial from Noelia from Spain

Here is a testimonial in Spanish from Noelia. NVDA has a very vibrant Spanish-speaking community, so we are very pleased to be able to share several stories in Spanish. A translation from Noelia herself is: “Hello. This is Noelia, from Spain. I work providing real time captions at events, and thanks to NVDA I can… Read More

Testimonial from Vagelis in Greece

Here is an #NVDA user #testimonial in Greek from Vagelis. While we don’t have a translation of Vagelis’ testimonial, he sent us this message to accompany his recording: “I am sending you this message, so that you can see how much NVDA helps me in my daily life. I recorded a windows voice recorder to… Read More

Testimonial from Ramy in Egypt

This testimonial comes from Ramy’s music studio in Egypt. NVDA helps Ramy produce music and in his work as a music instructor at a university in Cairo. We whole heartedly agree with Ramy that every blind and vision person should have access to a free screen reader! Transcript below: “I’m Ramy Moustafa from Egypt, and… Read More

Testimonial from Jacques in South Africa

This audio testimonial comes from Jacques in South Africa. Jacques works as a technical specialist for a financial organisation, where NVDA helps him with absolutely everything. The transcript of the testimonial is below: “My name is Jacques Stassen from South Africa. I work as a Technical Specialist for a financial organisation. I’m a staunch user… Read More

In-Process 17th July 2023

Can you believe we’re halfway through the year already! Where does the time go! Thanks to our amazing corporate donors First up this week, we’d like to highlight two of our amazing corporate supporters. Elston is “one of Australia’s largest privately owned and operated financial services companies. We have offices in Queensland, New South Wales… Read More

In-Process 30th June 2023

Happy End-Of-Financial-Year to those who celebrate! As well as that exciting occasion, this week is also Deafblind awareness week, so I thought I’d include a run through of NVDA’s Braille settings. It’s worth revising the settings you use for any program every now and then. Before that though, lots of news: Helen Keller Services AccessAbility… Read More

In-Process 16th June 2023

What a busy few weeks we’ve had! Let’s get into it: Australian Story Did you catch our founders Mick and Jamie on Australian Story? What an amazing show it was! Australian Story is a half-hour documentary style TV program. It goes behind the scenes to cover the people who do extra-ordinary things, and make amazing… Read More

In-Process 2nd June 2023

In-Process 2nd June 2023 The big news this week is that we’re going to be on Australian Story: NV Access on the small screen! For the past few months, we have been busy filming an episode of Australian Story, on our founders, Mick and Jamie. The episode features NV Access and NVDA and we are… Read More

Testimonial from Iván

NVDA has a global impact, across many languages. This testimonial from Iván is in Spanish. Below the video, please find the transcript in Spanish (generalted by YouTube) and Iván’s English translation. Spanish Spanish Transcript (generated by YouTube): Hola soy Iván soy ciego total vivo en España y studio cuarto de periodismo desde 2015 utilizo NBA… Read More

Testimonial from Nimer, NVDA List owner

Nimer, from the USA, started using NVDA around 2007 and has been involved in our community ever since. He is currently the owner of the NVDA community mailing group. Nimer first began using NVDA for schoolwork over 15 years ago, and now utilises it in his workplace at Google. Here is his testimonial video, and… Read More