In-Process Archive

In-Process 29th November

Can you believe it’s the end of November already? The year is flying by! NVDA 2019.3 – Python 3 First of all, the question everyone is wondering, where is the next version of NVDA? We’ve always said, we’d rather wait and release something stable, than aim to meet an arbitrary deadline. Since 2019.2.1 we have… Read More

In-Process 15th November

Not our longest In-Process this week, but several important pieces to share with you. NVDACon Firstly, NVDACon is coming up in less than 24 hours! For all the important info, I’m going to borrow this Post from Austin Pinto: “Dear NVDA community, after more than 8 months in which we spent exciting time together to… Read More

In-Process 30th October

In-Process has been missing in action for a couple of weeks, but don’t fret, we’ve all been working hard! This week, it’s all about the events. Let’s get into it: Microsoft AT Partner summit Mick and Quentin spent a week in Seattle at the Microsoft AT Partner Summit. The summit brings NV Access and other… Read More

In-Process 1st October

It’s October already! Where is the year going? Well before it slips away, we’ve got a lot for you this week. A great milestone for NVDA, a new release, a shout-out to our friends at Intopia and heaps more, so let’s get started! 2019.2.1 EDIT: Post and links now point to final NVDA 2019.2.1 release… Read More

In-Process 13th September

In this week’s In-Process, info on NVDACon, and details of some of the exciting fixes and features coming in NVDA 2019.3, including several highly anticipated inclusions.

In-Process 30th August

NVDA 2019.2, Changing Lives: The Story of the free NVDA screen reader, audio described, NVDA in the workplace and much more, this week in In-Process!

In-Process 15th August

It’s here! I know you’ve been waiting patiently, and we’re very pleased to bring you NVDA 2019.2. Let’s start with that: NVDA 2019.2 released NVDA 2019.2 is now available and we recommend all users update to this stable version. Highlights of this release include auto-detection of Freedom Scientific braille displays, an experimental setting in the… Read More

In-Process 31st July

NVDA 2019.2 RC1, improving mail with Litmus, updates to the Switching from Jaws to NVDA Wiki, and the WebAIM screen reader survey, all in this week’s In-Process!

In-Process 17th July

The many updates in NVDA 2019.2 Beta 3, reminder about topic submissions for NVDACon, and tips on having NVDA spell the current word, all in this week’s In-Process.

In-Process 5th July

NVDA 2019.2 Beta 2, Mick taking a well-deserved break, updates to NVDACon and our Corporate page and details on accessing the Windows notification area, all in this week’s In-Process!