12.x. Seika Version 3, 4, 5 and Seika 80

The Braille Display Seika Versionen 3, 4 and 5 (40 cells) and Seika80 (80 cells) are is supported. You can find more informations about this braille displays on http://www.seika-braille.com.
You must first install the USB drivers provided by the manufacturer.

Following are the key assignments for this display with NVDA. Please see the display's documentation for descriptions of where these keys can be found.

Scroll braille display backLEFT
Scroll braille display forwardRIGHT
Move braille display to previous lineB3
Move braille display to next lineB4
Toggle braille tethered toB5
Say allB6
shift tabulatorB2
alt tabB1 + B2
Route to braille cellrouting